
The center of the town is usually a hub-bub of activity as various Rookies run around dealing with daily life. This is an unofficial peace-zone, where everyone can feel safe regardless of affiliations.

The Talking Head by Exzenter Sept 12, 2014 17:16:20 GMT -6

This is where the Vaccine digimon come together. This is where they try to decide on leaders, values, and where they will fight the viruses. Data-types are welcome to visit the main foyer, but the rest of the building is Vaccine-Only.

wandering (open) by Bennett Jan 22, 2021 9:38:37 GMT -6

This is where the Virus Digimon gather. This is where they fight for dominance, and make their plans against the Vaccines. Data-types are suffered to enter the main entrance, but the rest of the building is Off-Limits on pain of death.

This is the rest of the town. It's generally safe to wander the streets, and in fact most Data Rookies have found a house somewhere here to live, but the main square's no-fighting agreement doesn't extend out here, and Vaccine and Virus types frequently do battle throughout the streets.


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